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Created 3-Jun-12
30 photos, 1 videos

My first visit to the South Devon Railway for two years took place on a typically grey bank holiday weekend. The line was running a four day gala in celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Four steam locomotives and one diesel were in action.
1369 on shedGlendower on shedShunting at Buckfastleigh I5542 at BuckfastleighShunting at Buckfastleigh IIView from the footbridge5542Ready for duty5542 at Caddaford I5542 at Caddaford II1369 at Bishops Bridge I1369 at Bishop's Bridge II78019 at Bishop's Bridge I1369 at Bishop's Bridge III1369 at Bishop's Bridge IV1369 at StavertonGWR Shirtbutton Roundel5542 at Staverton3205 at Staverton I5542 at Bishop's Bridge I

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Gala, Jubilee, Locomotive, Railway, SDR, South Devon Railway, Steam