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The 6880 Betton Grange Society's third Steel, Steam and Stars gala occurred once more on the Llangollen Railway in the scenic Dee Valley of North Wales. Eleven steam locomotives appeared during the nine day gala, including Nos. 70000 Britannia, 60163 Tornado, 828, 7822 Foxcote Manor, 44806, 1744, 80072, 49395, 58926, 5199 and 6430.
I was based in Glydyfrdwy at the excellent Station House holiday let, located right on the Down platform for the week from Monday 23rd April.
Unfortunately the awful weather on Sunday 29th, plus the prospect of a long journey home, put paid to any coverage of the final day's activities, however the rest of the week was highly enjoyable.

Scottish Day 23rd April 2012

Visitors 106
30 photos
Created 23-Apr-12
Modified 23-Apr-12
Scottish Day 23rd April 2012

West Midlands Day 24th April 2012

Visitors 193
22 items
Created 30-Apr-12
Modified 30-Apr-12
West Midlands Day 24th April 2012

Tornado 'Little & Large' Day 25th April 2012

Visitors 180
16 photos
Created 6-May-12
Modified 6-May-12
Tornado 'Little & Large' Day 25th April 2012

North Western 1950's Day 26th April 2012

Visitors 70
24 photos
Created 26-Apr-12
Modified 26-Apr-12
North Western 1950's Day 26th April 2012

Friday 27th April 2012

Visitors 69
1 videos
Created 3-May-12
Modified 3-May-12

Saturday 28th April 2012

Visitors 110
27 items
Created 8-May-12
Modified 8-May-12
Saturday 28th April 2012